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Pancreatic Cancer UK - Online support sessions

Being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer can be an isolating experience, with little chance of knowing someone going through the same thing. And of course, the situation is made worse during the global pandemic we find ourselves in.

For that reason, Pancreatic Cancer UK encourage you to attend one of our their free Living with Pancreatic Cancer online support sessions.

Meet others who understand

A range of topics around living well

Speak to a specialist nurse

All sessions will run on a Thursday morning at 11a.m. for one and a half hours. Places need to be booked in advance and you can join just one or as many of the sessions as you would like.

Thursday 23rd July 2020 Coping during the Covid pandemic

Thursday 30th July 2020   Managing Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Thursday 6th August 2020   Managing Nutrition and pancreatic enzymes

Thursday 13th August 2020   Support in managing at home

For More infromation and to register for the sessions, please click on the Pancreatic Cancer UK logo below


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