Your local Macmillan cancer support information & support service is open & here for you
You can contact the Macmillan information and support service on 0161 922 5644 or 5643 and by email macmillan.info@tgh.nhs.uk We are here...

One step at a time - a patient perspective on cancer
A patient's view on how it feels to be diagnosed, treated and come out of the other side of cancer. Developed by the Princess Alexandra...

Tameside & Glossop`s Macmillan Joint Working Group
Tameside & Glossop's Macmillan Information and support service is working together with key partners across the community to improve...

Online virtual support group meeting again 17th December
For more information and to take part please contact The recovery package team at MRI. Email MacmillanRP-WTWA@mrt.nhs.uk or call 0161 276...

Healthcare services over Christmas and New Year 2020
If you have a health condition that cannot be treated by a Pharmacist over the Christmas and New Year bank holidays, call NHS 111 or go...

Your local Macmillan cancer support information & support service is open & here for you
You can contact the Macmillan information and support service on 0161 922 5644 or 5643 and by email macmillan.info@tgh.nhs.uk We are here...

If you are struggling or alone this winter
Emergency Numbers If you or someone else is in immediate risk of serious harm or injury, you should call the emergency services by...