Life with cancer is still life, make sure your clients and patients have access to help and support
We are here to provide practical and emotional support to anyone affected by cancer. We are also here to support professionals, if you have any questions, if you’re unsure about referring into our service or would like to discuss the service we offer please contact us by phone 0161 922 5644 email macmillan.info@tgh.nhs.uk or by calling into the Tameside Macmillan Unit.
We can provide literature and practical support on all aspects of living with cancer including concerns, emotional issues, managing side effects, financial issues including travel and insurance costs, claiming the appropriate benefits, managing your finances, managing debts, support concerning employment and more.
We can offer
The opportunity for a listening ear to discuss treatments, side effects and cancer related issues
A private room to speak to someone in confidence
Information and support over the phone for those not able to access the service in person.
Internet access to guide people to appropriate information and Support.
Macmillan Drop in support group
Access to face to face appointments with a Macmillan Welfare Rights Officer
Willow Wood`s outreach complementary therapy service at the Tameside Macmillan Unit
Access to community support with The Macmillan Solutions
We are working in partnership with a number of organisations with a shared goal of providing joined up support which recognises the needs & concerns of people affected by cancer.
Tameside councils welfare rights and debt advice service, Willow Woods complementary therapy service and Start Clinic
Tameside’s Be Well and Live Active service,
Access to Heathy Minds for a face to face assessment
Macmillan Solutions and Being There
We are continuing to work with local and national support groups, charities and volunteer schemes
If you would like to make a referral to the Macmillan Information and Support Service at Tameside hospital
Please call 0161 922 5644 or email macmillan.info@tgh.nhs.uk.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss secure communications with your service & the Macmillan Information & Support Service
We want to make it as easy as possible for health and Social care professionals to refer to our service however we do need to know that consent has been given for the referral, preferred method of contact & if we can leave messages, the more information we have concerning clients condition, needs & concerns always helps. Please complete a referral form. You can email your completed form to us or post it to our contact address.
Macmillan Community Nurses - (Specialist Community Palliative care team)
If you are looking to contact or make a referral to the Specialist Community Palliative care team (Macmillan community Nurses), you can contact them
by phone 0161 669 4848 or email tga-tr.tamesidemacmillan@nhs.net