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Implementing the Universal Model for Personalised Care in Tameside and Glossop

Implementing the Universal Model for Personalised Care in Tameside and Glossop

We would like to know what is important to you, either in receiving or delivering personalised care and support.

The “Universal Model for Personalised Care”, was published alongside the NHS Long Term Plan. It describes how personalised care must become a core part of the way we deliver health and care. It highlights how we must extend our view of ‘the system’ to incorporate the vast range of community assets that we have and connect more strongly with the voluntary and community sector. Delivering personalised care means that people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered, it should be based on ‘what matters’ to them and their individual strengths, needs and preferences. Personalised care also means the system taking a broader view on how it can impact in the drivers of ill health, the majority of which rest in people’s homes, communities and daily lives, outside the traditional scope of health and care. You can view a short video on the Universal Model for Personalised Care by clicking here

In Tameside and Glossop we want to ensure that personalised care runs throughout our health and care system and would like to hear your views on what this should look like and how we can make it happen. We are holding a series of events so that you can share with us what is important to you, either in receiving or delivering personalised care and support. Anyone, living and working (at any level) within Tameside and Glossop is welcome to join us at one of the events below (the events include the same content, but the 27th January date has been extended to include lunch).

Monday 27th January 2020, 10am-2pm (includes lunch) Curzon Ashton Football Club, Richmond St, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL7 9HG Register here

Tuesday 4th February 2020, 1pm-3pm, Bradbury House, Market St, Glossop SK13 8AR Register here

Wednesday 5th February 2020, 1pm-3pm, Newton Suite, Hyde Town Hall, 10 Corporation St, Hyde SK14 1AL

If you require any assistance in registering for any of the above events please contact Zoe on 01457 850 563


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