Changes to shielding guidance In England and Northern Ireland from 1st August

From August 1 the UK government is pausing shielding for people in England or Northern Ireland. However, it will keep checking the levels of the virus in the community and if it looks like infections are increasing then shielding guidance may change again.
This means that from August 1:
You should still stay at home as much as possible. But you can go out, for example to visit shops or to places of worship. However, you still need to maintain social distancing and follow good hand washing hygiene.
If you have been unable to work from home, you can now return to work. You need to be able to maintain social distancing in your workplace. Talk to your employer about whether this is possible and what it might mean for you. You can also speak to our work support team on 0808 808 00 00. It is important to remember that this is guidance and it is up to you how you choose to follow it. You may welcome the relaxation of shielding and look forward to being able to get out more and return to work. But you may also be worried about what this means for you and your risk of catching the virus. If you are unsure what the new guidance means for you, you can talk it over with someone from your healthcare team. Or call our support line on 0808 808 0000.
These changes apply to people in England and Northern Ireland. There is separate guidance for people in Wales and Scotland.
For more informationand the latest guidance from Macmillan cancer Support for people with cancer, Macmillan supporters and our volunteers Please click here