Cancer Information in your language
We have translated our most commonly requested cancer information into different languages. Each translation also contains the English at the end.
Click on the Macmillan globe to find information in your language
Can't find what you need?
You can try our Directory of Information Materials. This contains translations from other organisations and Macmillan. Enter the language into the search box.
We are sorry if you didn’t find what you were looking for today. If you were looking for another language or topic, please let us know at
Contact Macmillan in your language
The Macmillan Support Line has an interpreter service, so you can speak to a cancer support specialist in your own language, via an interpreter. Call 0808 808 00 00 and state, in English, the language you want to use.
We need your feedback to improve our translations
If you have any comments or suggestions about our translations, we are very keen to hear them. Please email us at