Additional car parking for the hospital site

Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust in agreement with Tameside Borough Council (TMBC) are developing additional parking on site to meet future demands for our patients, visitors and staff.
The development of the additional parking will provide improved security and safety along with other benefits:
LED Lighting
Tarmacked surfaces
Clearly marked out parking bays
Additional Disabled parking bays
Charging points for electric vehicles
Darnton Road Car Park – Hospital Entrance 1 – Available from end of March 2019
(Adjacent to Pennine Care’s Buckton Building and the Hospitals White House)
TMBC already provide a pay and display car park for patients, visitors and staff. Work has already started on a piece of unused land to create an additional 34 ‘pay & display’ spaces for patients & visitors, which will include 2 electric vehicle charging bays.
Mellor Road Car Park – Hospital Goods Entrance 3 – Available from end May 2019
(Adjacent to the Renal Unit and Boiler House)
Work is scheduled to commence along the dirt track behind the boiler house to create 92 spaces which will include; 6 disabled bays and 2 electric vehicle charging ‘pay & display’ for patients & visitors. TMBC had commenced some works prior to Christmas across from the Renal Unit as this is within their own land boundary