Macmillan Drop in Support Group Macmillan Coffee Morning

20th Macmillan Drop-in Coffee Morning
Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Macmillan Unit Reception
10 am until 12 noon
We’re coming together again to raise money to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can.
Come and join the Macmillan Drop in support group for our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Tuesday 2nd October between 10 and 12pm, at the Tameside Macmillan Unit (next to Ladysmith Building) Tameside Hospital Fountain Street, Ashton under lyne, OL6 9RW
For more information ring 0161 922 5640, email or follow this link
If you can't come but would still like to give a donation to Macmillan just text CUPCAKE to 70550 (one text=£5), go to or phone 0845 074 2606.
Texts cost £5 plus network charge. Macmillan will receive 100% of every £1 donated in this way. Obtain bill payer's permission. Text STOP to 70550 to opt out from future communications.