Mossley Cancer Committee We Think You Are Amazing

From fundraising to help build the Tameside Macmillan Unit, or providing a cake and a smile , the difference you have made has been amazing.
The small treats that make a big difference.
A sweet to ease a dry mouth, an ice lolly on a hot day, a slice of cake or piece of fruit. Toy packs for children who may be accompanying a parent or grandparent for treatment or waiting for the results of tests and scans. The parent, grandparent or guardians surprise & gratitude that some one cares & is thoughtful enough to think of this & put it together.
The pamper packs for people starting chemotherapy for the first time, who may feel understandably worried & stressed.
All these things help lift people at the most difficult of times.
You have done so much & continue to do more. Your help has supported hundreds of people affected by cancer.
We just wanted to say