On this page we list groups who regularly meet throughout the year. However there are one off sessions, new groups and activities starting all the time, please check our news page and twitter feed @TamesideMISS for news on new groups, one off sessions and activities, we try to include as much as possible there to keep you informed.
Living with cancer and beyond
Living with cancer and beyond is a group open to anyone in greater Manchester living with or recovering from a cancer diagnosis. A warm and friendly group who would love to have your company.
We also have included links to Macmillan's Online Community which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The online community is a place where you can read about other peoples experiences and participate as much or as little as you want at you own pace with no pressure. Delivered to Macmillan Cancer Support standards, moderated by Macmillan community members with a large and growing community find groups, topics and meet people like you going through similar experiences.
see the image below for contact details, dates and times. If you are interested but unsure if this group is for you please feel free to contact the Macmillan information and support team on 0161 922 5644 or contact the course facilitator.
We would love to hear from you.

If you need to talk, we're here to listen. With a weekly call from one of our trained Telephone Buddies, you don't have to face cancer alone.

How a Telephone Buddy helps
Going through cancer can be an isolating experience at any time, and especially when social distancing. Our free Telephone Buddy service is here for you. We'll match you with someone who understands what you're going through, and they'll give you a weekly call.
Your volunteer buddy will be a listening ear, ready to talk about how you’re feeling and your support needs during this difficult time. They can also let you know about our services, and all the ways Macmillan can help, to ensure you don't face cancer alone.
How it works
You sign up to register your interest.
We'll get in touch to find out what support you need.
We'll find a Telephone Buddy who suits your needs.
You'll get a weekly call from your Telephone Buddy.
You'll receive up to 12 weeks or more of support, or whatever works best for you.
Who it's for
We are committed to ensuring that Macmillan Cancer Support is a great place for everyone, and prioritise maintaining a fair, equal, and inclusive environment. Our Telephone Buddies service is available to anyone in the UK who is living with cancer, inclusive of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, gender, sexual orientation or religion and belief. We want everyone to be able to access this service, so please let us know if there is anything we can do for you to do this.
For more information and to sign up please click the link below
Macmillan's Online Community
If you or a loved one is dealing with cancer, our Online Community is a place you can talk to others who understand what you are going through.
Many of our Community members say hearing from others who are going through similar experiences helps them feel less alone. This site is a safe space for you to be open about fears and emotions that might be difficult to discuss with family and friends.
Whatever you need to talk about there are others available to listen and support you. Find out more here
Macmillan Hope Programme for people living with cancer
Living with or after a cancer diagnosis?
Do you want to enhance your resilience through these difficult times, rediscover strengths and increase your ability to cope?
Macmillan Cancer Support and Hope For the Community CIC have partnered to deliver this free online group self-management programme. The Hope Programme for people living with cancer was co-created with people living and affected by cancer and with researchers at Coventry University to make sure it is rooted in science.
Since launching the Hope Programme we have seen a great demand.
WE HAVE LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE FOR COURSES STARTING 21/09/2020 and 19/10/2020. Total of 60 places are currently available.
What will it involve?
You will be asked to enrol on a 6 week online Hope Programme. It will take up to 2 hours to complete each weekly session, which you can complete at any time which is convenient to you. You can do the course on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Each week we will cover topics like: • smarter goal setting • priorities and values • living positively with fears for the future • character strengths • physical activity • eating well • managing stress • coping with fatigue • finding things to be thankful for
The course includes quizzes, worksheets, audio and video materials, interactive gratitude and goal setting and social networking via email and forums. Hope aims to teach you how to become more relaxed, improve your confidence in setting positive goals, learn stress and fatigue management skills and explore any worries you experience when dealing with cancer.
The course may be facilitated by trained facilitators and health professionals who themselves have an experience of living with cancer. You may be offered to join a course that you can complete at your own pace without facilitators.
What do you need to do?
You will be asked to complete few questions on sign-up, this is just so we know this course is right for you.
Before and after the course, our partners at Coventry University might also ask you to take part in a survey to tell us how you are feeling and what you thought about the course, so we can make it better for future participants. Taking part is optional.
Next steps
Step 1 - Sign-up to the course and select a course date (answer few questions and leave us your details). Please note the course is available for UK residents only.
Step 2 - If no more places are available you will be asked to sign-up to a waiting list.
Sign up here Macmillan Online HOPE
If you require support now
Macmillan Cancer Support latest coronavirus guidance
The Macmillan Support Line can help with clinical, practical and financial information. Please call us on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm).
Most major charities have forums where patients, carers and those affected by cancer come together to offer support, advice and the chance to talk with Clinical Nurse Specialists. We have listed some of the main ones below:
Online Networks and Forums Macmillan Cancer Support:
Cancer Research UK: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-chat
Maggie’s: https://community.maggiescentres.org/home
If you want to find out about a specific cancer, refine your search on one of the above websites or use Google to search for the charity that supports your type of cancer, for example – Prostate Cancer UK or Breast Cancer Now.
UK Cancer Charities on Social Media
Follow the major cancer charities on their social media platforms to stay up to date with their latest news, support and advice:
Macmillan Cancer Support Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/macmillancancer
Macmillan Cancer Support Twitter: https://twitter.com/macmillan
Macmillan in the North West Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MacmillanNorthWest/
The Christie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheChristieNHS
The Christie Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheChristieNHS
Cancer Research UK Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cancerresearchuk
Cancer Research UK Twitter: https://twitter.com/CR_UK
Marie Curie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarieCurieUK
Marie Curie Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariecurieuk
Stand Up To Cancer UK Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/standuptocancerUK
Stand Up To Cancer UK Twitter: https://twitter.com/SU2C
Bowel Cancer UK Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bowelcanceruk
Bowel Cancer UK Twitter: https://twitter.com/bowelcanceruk
Breast Cancer Now Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/breastcancernow
Breast Cancer Now Twitter: https://twitter.com/BreastCancerNow
Prostate Cancer UK Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prostatecanceruk
Prostate Cancer UK Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProstateUK
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Fdn Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roycastlelungcancer
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Fdn Twitter: https://twitter.com/Roy_Castle_Lung
Blood Cancer UK Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloodcanceruk.charity
Blood Cancer UK Twitter: https://twitter.com/bloodcancer_uk
The Brain Tumour Charity Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebraintumourcharity
The Brain Tumour Charity Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrainTumourOrg
Sarcoma UK Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uk.sarcoma/
Sarcoma UK Twitter: https://twitter.com/sarcoma_uk
Charity support lines for patients living with cancer
Blood Cancer UK | 0808 2080 888 •
The Brain Tumour Charity | 0808 800 0004 •
Brains Trust | 01983 292 405 •
Breast Cancer Now | 0808 800 6000 •
Cancer Research UK | 0808 800 4040 •
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust | 0808 802 8000 •
Leukaemia Care | 08088 010 444 •
Lymphoma Action | 0808 808 5555 •
Macmillan | 0808 808 0000 •
Maggie’s | 0300 123 1801 •
Myeloma UK | 0800 980 3332 •
Ovarian Cancer Action | 020 7380 1730 •
Pancreatic Cancer UK | 0808 801 0707 •
Prostate Cancer UK | 0800 074 8383 •
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation | 0333 323 7200 •
Sarcoma UK | 0808 801 0401 •
Target Ovarian Cancer | 020 7923 5475
North West Support Groups on Social Media
The Gynae Girls (Salford & Greater Manchester Gynaecological Cancer Support Group) The aim of this group is to support people affected by all gynaecological cancers. They have regular monthly meetings at Salford Royal and support each other online via Facebook. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ENDOMETRIALCANCERSALFORDAWARNESS
Cheshire Cup Cakes (Facebook) A group for women who have had, or are going through any type of cancer. Their aim is to support each other on-line but also to meet occasionally for coffee, beauty sessions and to be together in a safe, happy environment. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/211122029232583
Online Courses and Virtual Workshops
Macmillan iHope Programme
Macmillan would like to give you the chance to enhance your resilience, rediscover strengths and increase your ability to cope through their online self-management programme called iHope. Price: Free For more information and how to register visit: https://coventryhls.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIXGI1ADihkwTAN
Macmillan RESTORE
RESTORE aims to support people living with cancer related fatigue. It provides information about things you can do to help you cope with fatigue. It can also give you more confidence to manage your fatigue. Visit: https://www.macmillanrestore.org.uk/
Look Good Feel Better®
Look Good Feel Better® is a free nationwide program helping women and men with appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. Led by trained beauty professionals, these online workshops are for between 8-10 people; covering a range of techniques for applying make up when affected by cancer. Price: Free For full details and how to book on visit: https://www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk/support-advice/virtual-workshops/
Videos make up over 80% of all online communications and are a great way of taking in information when face-to-face contact is not available. Below is a list of useful websites and YouTube channels aimed at improving health and wellbeing, offering tutorials and providing cancer information.
NHS One You – Home Workout Videos To stay fit and healthy, you're recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or around 20 to 30 minutes a day. Plus, you should aim to do strengthening and balance exercises at least 2 days a week. The NHS One You home workouts are an easy way to help you reach your exercise goals. Visit: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/for-your-body/move-more/home-workout-videos/
5K Your Way
Move Against Cancer A community-based initiative encouraging those living with and beyond cancer, families, friends and those working in cancer services to help fight cancer through fitness. The 5KYW team post regular exercise videos and Q&A sessions on their Facebook page. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/5kYourWayMoveAgainstCancer
Look Good Feel Better
Videos include instructional workshops on skin care and makeup application, hair care for men, patient testimonials and events. Visit: https://www.youtube.com/user/LookGoodFeelBetter
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan have hundreds of videos on all aspects of cancer, including tutorials and advice for hair loss during cancer treatment, advice on how to talk about cancer, personal stories, cancer information and events. Visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrG_xSjSf5TtFDZGexsS4dQ
Select the “PLAYLISTS” tab at the top of the Macmillan’s YouTube page (below the logo) to cycle through their range of videos.
Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK’s choice of videos is diverse, with a focus on cancer information and treatments, research and strategy. Visit: https://www.youtube.com/user/cancerresearchuk
Stand Up To Cancer UK The SU2C UK YouTube channel features powerful patient stories, scientific information, celebrity interviews, with a focus on young people and modern technology. Visit: https://www.youtube.com/user/standuptocancerUK/videos